So I made a blog, what can you expect?

First post is going to be mostly boring. It'll go over what you can expect from my blog, and why I think you should care about what I have to say. I'll try to make this one quick.

So what can you expect?

After a year and a half as a full blown "Cyclist", I feel a responsibility to pass on some advice to those who are just starting out (or trying something new), and possibly remind some of the seasoned veterans why they started cycling in the first place.

I'll also put up the occasional product review. As a proud bike shop employee, I get my hands on a lot more kit than the average cyclists.

I should have a new blog post every Tuesday for those who want to stay updated. Why Tuesdays? Well because I'm writing this on a Tuesday, and I'm not sure I can commit to more than once a week.

Preparing for my first long outside "ride" of 2017

Now the fun part
Why should you care?

Well if your looking for advice, I'm at the top of cat 4 after only one season of racing, so I must be doing something right.

As for the product reviews, it's really just because I love the stuff I ride, and I ride a lot of it. If you want really in depth reviews, I would strongly recommend DC Rainmaker. If you want my opinion, take a look at my reviews.

Clear as mud? Great, now for the more interesting stuff.


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